A co-worker first recommended the ol' Grand-Dad to me about a year ago. I had mentioned my burgeoning interest in bourbon and he excitedly relayed to me a couple of his favorite cheaper options...in fact, it's more than a little likely that our conversation is what eventually encouraged me to start this blog.
Although Old Grand-Dad is clearly already one of my favorites, I still think I can give him an honest review. This bourbon is the best option I've found at this price. If you can't afford the $15 or so for this fifth, I've listed cheaper options in my blog already; if you can afford the fifteen bucks though, look no further than Old Grand-Dad.
Smells like a classy bourbon, tastes good, not too watery
If you've read my previous reviews, you know that a common problem with cheap bourbon is a watery, unsatisfying finish. Every bourbon that I've reviewed has had unique flaws and unique benefits, but only Old Grand-Dad completely avoids the watery character that marred the other bargain drinks. This bourbon just makes it to the quality mark that awards a real texture, even though OGD has the price-tag of a cheaper drink.
The taste is sweet and dry, with just the right amount of bite following the sip. It doesn't bite hard enough that you'll have trouble getting this Dad down, but it's not so smooth that you have to question its bourbonal integrity. Don't look up the word "bourbonal" just yet; it's not officially a word, but it will get there.
The taste is sweet and dry, with just the right amount of bite following the sip. It doesn't bite hard enough that you'll have trouble getting this Dad down, but it's not so smooth that you have to question its bourbonal integrity. Don't look up the word "bourbonal" just yet; it's not officially a word, but it will get there.
Smells good
Tastes good
Tastes good
Right amount of burn
No watery texture
No watery texture
Not an incredibly complicated flavor (not always a drawback)
If you want the smoothest bourbon in the world, you need to spend more money. This blog is about finding tasty bourbons with the right amount of bite at a reasonable price. OGD is the kind of bourbon this blog is really looking for. I'm ranking out of 5 stars though, and this guy only got 4.5 because I still believe I can find an even better bourbon at a bottom-shelf price. The adventure continues, readers.